Traumatic Brain Injury Transition Team (TBITT)
The Traumatic Brain Injury Transition Team is available to help support the
needs of students who have sustained a brain injury through consultation to
the educational staff working with the student and the student's peers and family.
Ja网 Brown, Occupational Therapist |
Byron Center jbrown@bcpsk12.网 |
Kim Pyper, Occupational Therapist 891-0219, 891-0233 (fax) |
加勒多尼亚 |
Molly Bradley, SLP 616-696-1204 x.6239, 696-0082 (fax) |
Cedar Springs 莫莉 |
Sarah VanderBaan 785-8440, 785-8455 (fax) |
Choice Schools |
Rebeckah Cheathem, School Psychologist 254-5700, 785-9829 (fax) |
Comstock Park | |
Holly Brownley, Teacher Consultant 235-3535, 235-6730 (fax) |
East Grand Rapids |
** | Jim Grabow, School Social Worker 235-3535, 235-6730 (fax) |
East Grand Rapids |
Kendra Webb, Occupational Therapist 493-8660, 493-8663 (fax) |
Forest Hills kwebb@fhps.网 |
Laurie 本son, School Pyschologist |
Godrey-Lee |
Katie Burpee, Occupational Therapist 252-2090, 252-2232 (fax) |
Godwin Heights |
** | Holly Commons, Speech Therapist 819-2759, 819-2200 (fax) |
Grand Rapids |
** | Bethany Muszkiewicz, Speech & 语言 819-3545, 819-2200 (fax) |
Grand Rapids |
** | Jea网te Kish, Nurse 254-6455, 254-6447 (fax) |
Grandville |
Kim Stevens, Director of Special Education 532-1585, 532-7437 (fax) |
Kelloggsville |
Elizabeth Wilson, School Psychologist 453-6352 x6207, 647-0911 (fax) |
Kenowa Hills | |
** | Eric VanTreese, Special Education Director 678-4219, 678-4135 (fax) | uedbet官网市 |
** | Amy Armstrong, RN, BSN, 410-4706, 678-4135 (fax) |
uedbet官网ISD |
Heather Drayton, Speech 语言 Pathologist 554-3980, 554-5057 (fax) |
Kentwood 希瑟 |
Amber Rediske, School Psychologist 987-2900, 987-2911 (fax) |
洛厄尔 |
本 Raterman, LMSW 840-8847, 840-9448 (fax) |
Mary Free Bed | |
Stephanie Anderson, Physical Therapist 364-1333 x.2868, 447-2440 (fax) |
北方 |
Kate Miller, School Social Worker 863-6326, 866-7152 (fax) |
罗克福德 |
Mindy Duba, Director of Special Education 863-6326, 866-7152 (fax) |
罗克福德 |
Jason Clements, Occupational Therapist 887-7359, 887-2086 (fax) |
斯巴达 杰森 |
** | Jennica Richards, Occupational Therapist 学习ing Center 269-795-5575, 269-795-5560 (fax) |
Thornapple Kellogg |
Jason Maas, Director of Special Education 530-7525, 249-7647 (fax) |
怀俄明 |
** | also serves as TBITT Steering Committee Members |
Referral Info:
Online TBI 资源:
- Mayo Clinic - TBI Symptoms
- Brain Injury Association of Am埃里克a - Mild Brain Injury and Concussion
- An Educator's Guide to Concussions in the Classroom
- TBI Survival Guide: Online Book for 父母
- Michigan Resource Guide for Persons with TBI and Their Families
- CDC - HEADS UP Awareness Program resources
- TBI: Life After High School - Living with Brain Injury
- Classroom Interventions for 学生 with TBI
- Traumatic Brain Injury In 学生
- What is a Concussion
- Accommodations After a Concussion
- Return to 学习 after a Concussion
- Tracey’s Story (preventative; emphasizes reporting concussions)